Eta Omicron
Chapter History
In the fall of 1979, fourteen members of James Madison University’s Marching Royal Dukes began a journey of devotion and loyalty to Kappa Kappa Psi. However, for the colony to achieve active chapter status, many hours were put in by all involved. An interest meeting was held and approximately seventeen members of the Marching Band attended. Out of these seventeen, fourteen became the founding fathers of the Eta Omicron chapter. The Eta Beta chapter, located at Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University was chosen by the national office to serve as the advising chapter of the Eta Omicron colony.
After receiving approval from the university and completing all the tasks involved with colonization, the colony’s initiation and installation occurred on November 9, 1980. The Eta Beta Chapter conducted the Second and Third Degrees and a national representative presided over the installation ceremony. Eta Omicron was installed as the 183rd chapter of the fraternity.
Our first chapter officers included Ken Langer as President and Tom McKenzie as Vice President. The Eta Rho chapter of Tau Beta Sigma was initiated at JMU on March 21, 1987. Since then, we have developed regular joint meetings, a joint constitution, and a closely related membership education program. Since Eta Omicron’s founding, we have served as advising chapters to Theta Psi at Virginia Union University, Iota Xi at Norfolk State University, Kappa Theta at Liberty University, Zeta Psi at Virginia State University, Beta Chi at the University of Virginia, and Mu Nu at Christopher Newport University.
Eta Omicron and Eta Rho

The Eta Omicron chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Eta Rho chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at James Madison University share a special bond. Through our cooperation, we are able to help the university band program, including “Virginia’s Finest,” the James Madison University Marching Royal Dukes (MRDs). We periodically hold joint meetings where we arrange to hold joint service, membership, and social activities.
Most of the major work that must be done for the band program is accomplished through our combined efforts. These joint service efforts include:
Serving on marching band crews to fit and distribute uniforms, distribute and collect plumes, move the podiums, help move the front ensemble’s equipment, and take care of the “game day” duties.
Doing "Wampler" shifts in the band office where we help out the band staff with anything they need.
Ushering concerts for the School of Music.
Planning and organizing the MRD Band Banquet, including set-up and tear-down.
Assisting with the set-up and running of the Virginia Band and Orchestra Director’s Association (VBODA) All-Virginia Band and Orchestra auditions, held at JMU every year.
Co-sponsoring a highway in Harrisonburg that we clean up once a year!
In the fall semester, we support the MRD staff in running a band of over 500 members. In addition to serving on crews, many members of our organizations are part of the leadership in most sections of the MRDs. We serve as role models for the JMU band members, and act as outstanding representations of KKPsi and TBS.
From the moment we begin the recruitment process, Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma work together to allow potential membership candidates (MCs) to see the benefits of both organizations, but more importantly, we allow them to see our joint bond and how important it is to us. KKPsi and TBS have "families" that are specific to each org. In addition to these families, we also have joint families comprised of both brothers and sisters. After being added to a joint family, the MCs of both organizations work together to hold their own service project throughout the semester, teaching them the joys and benefits of that cooperation. Through the effort we put in to sharing our bond with the MCs, we can be assured that this bond will be continued.
More than anything else, it is the music that we make together that creates such a tight bond between Eta Omicron and Eta Rho. Whether in one of our concert bands, the Marching Royal Dukes, or pep band, the music we make together is what makes our journey such a pleasant one, and that is why we sing this joint song at the end of every joint meeting.
Eta Omicron and Eta Rho Joint Song:
In everything that we must do,
You’re there for me; I’m there for you.
When we are strong, and when we’re weak,
You are my hands; I am your feet.
My faith and love for you are strong
And this I pledge my whole life long:
We’ll work together, you and I,
Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi.
Fatima Kirby, Upsilon
Eta Rho, Tau Beta Sigma