Band-o-rama 2025
What is Band-O-Rama?
Band-O-Rama is a JMU Honor Band event for high school band students, hosted by the Eta Omicron chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity. This is an all-day event in which students will participate in masterclasses and mock all-state auditions hosted by JMU music faculty, and receive feedback from experts in their field. Students will also be given a tour of JMU's main campus and perform pieces with guest conductors. The day will end with a concert in Wilson Hall to showcase the music that was learned during the day. The music being performed will be level 5-6, and as such is geared towards upper level students.
For more information or any questions, please contact our Music Director Alyssa Bonner at kkpsiho.musicdirector@gmail.com.
Date: Saturday, February 15th, 2025
Time: 9am-7:30pm (Lunch and dinner provided)
​Location: James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA. Rehearsals and masterclasses will be held in the Music Building, and the end-of-day concert will be held at Wilson Hall.
A $20 registration fee is required. This will cover the cost of the pizza dinner and the provided Band-O-Rama shirts.
Lunch and dinner will be provided. Lunch will be at D-Hall, one of JMU’s dining halls. D-Hall caters to many different dietary restrictions. For more information, visit the JMU dining website. If you are concerned about safe food options at D-Hall, email dining@jmu.edu. Dinner will be pizza. Gluten-free and/or vegan pizza or an alternative meal can be requested.
High school Band directors from Virginia, Maryland, and West Virginia can nominate their students to attend Band-O-Rama using this form. There is no limit to how many students can be nominated. The number of students accepted for this event will be based on instrumentation and on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Accepted nominees will receive an email with a link to register for Band-O-Rama. More details on when to register by will be provided closer to the date.
Kappa Kappa Psi's Mission
Kappa Kappa Psi, also called KKPsi, is an all-gender National Honorary Band Fraternity that promotes the advancement of college and university bands through dedicated service and support to bands; comprehensive education; leadership opportunities; and recognition; for the benefit of its members and society.
Learn more about who we are and what we do on our About page, or visit the KKPsi national website.